Updated every Tuesday and Friday
Last update on Tuesday , March 25 , 2003

0.1 - Fans? What Fans?
Explained by Ming the Merciless.
Chibis are like the cuter, more cartoon-like, narrator forms of ourselves. If we want to address the reader specifically about something, it will be in this form, as you will see through out the comic. The normal forms are our normal, in-comic personas. Avatar form is the form that we assume when in the middle of a heated Magic duel. Everything we do in the game is acted out by our avatars. Think of Avatar form as somewhat like virtual reality. If you're still confused, don't worry. It will be much easier to explain when we actually do some strips with avatar form, because the visual aid will help a lot.

The word "baka" is Japanese for "idiot". It's commonly used in anime, which as you have probably gathered by now is a big thing for us.

The last thing you're probably wondering about is who Anya is (beyond Japanese, which you may have figured out because she's the one who says "baka" in the comic). In truth, I can't divulge that information at this time; you'll just have to stay tuned to find out!

Make sense now? Go back to this comic.

Legal Stuff

Magic: The Gathering and all related trademarks and products mentioned belong to Wizards of the Coast. Any other trademarks and products mentioned are the property of the companies that produce them. Any card art is copyrighted by the artists and Wizards of the Coast. The use of these trademarks, products, and cards should not be construed as a challenge to those rights. All other content is
© Copyright 2002 Burnham/Dominguez/Wacker/Yarrow.

Contact Us
Art: Bryan Yarrow
Scripts: Cal Wacker
Cooking: Andrew "Mingy" Dominguez
Website: Ted Burnham

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