Updated every Tuesday and Friday
Last update on Tuesday , March 25 , 2003

5.03 - Breeds Hill
Explained by Mingy.
Sealed is a type of Limited tournament in Magic. Limited means that you don't create a deck before-hand. Rather, you are given a random pool of cards with which to build the best deck possible. In normal Sealed, you are given a tournament pack (75 cards including basic lands) and three booster pack (15 cards each). Team Sealed is a version of Sealed, however you are on a team with two other people. The team of three is given (I think) two tournament packs, and 4-6 boosters. I'm not sure of the exact number. With the cards given, you are to build three decks, so that each player on the team has one.

Odyssey block is the format involving only cards from the Odyssey, Torment, and Judgment expansions.

Make sense now? Go back to this comic.

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Magic: The Gathering and all related trademarks and products mentioned belong to Wizards of the Coast. Any other trademarks and products mentioned are the property of the companies that produce them. Any card art is copyrighted by the artists and Wizards of the Coast. The use of these trademarks, products, and cards should not be construed as a challenge to those rights. All other content is
© Copyright 2002 Burnham/Dominguez/Wacker/Yarrow.

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Art: Bryan Yarrow
Scripts: Cal Wacker
Cooking: Andrew "Mingy" Dominguez
Website: Ted Burnham

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